Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Puppies found trapped in suitcase

A "wriggling" suitcase discovered abandoned in Leeds was found to contain eight puppies, squeezed in with just a tiny hole through which to breathe.
The eight-week-old puppies, which were found in the Middleton area, are now recovering from their ordeal at the Dogs Trust rehoming centre in Leeds.

Staff said they were looking for new homes for Goggles, Flip, Flop, Amber, Solaire, Sunshine, Speedo and Snorkel.

The centre said it was dealing with a "puppy crisis" and appealed for help.

'Beyond belief'

Manager of the home, Amanda Sands, said: "We were told the woman who found them noticed that the suitcase appeared to be wriggling and squirming, and got the shock of her life when she opened it up.

"It is beyond belief that someone could dump these pups in such a heartless way.

"We also had a litter of six pups abandoned, so with these new ones to look after we've got a puppy crisis on our hands.

"Please do step forward if you have the time and energy to bring up a pup."

from the BBC

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