Thursday 5 July 2007

Birds as Pets

Birds as Pets

More and more people are having birds as their pets. Parrots, Macaws and Parakeets are among the most popular and can become wonderful pets if you pick the one that fits your lifestyle. Birds have become popular as pets because of their brainpower and sociability plus colorful physical appearance that make them a great pet to take care for. The basic things to think about in taking care of a pet bird are the bird’s diet, hygiene, housing and training. Taking care of pet bird requires you learn a few general health facts so be sure to do plenty of research on the type of bird you want before considering having a pet bird.

Birds, like us humans, also need a well balance diet to be able to cope with life’s physical challenges. There are plenty of seeds and ready-mixed seeds available, but be sure to give your bird foods with high nutritional value such as vitamins and minerals. You may also feed them with fresh vegetables and fruits every now and then and don’t forget to keep their water supply as fresh as possible. Moreover, remember to keep your pet bird’s feeder and water dispenser clean by washing them with water and soap and make sure to rinse them thoroughly. Aside from bird’s diet it is also important to be particular of bird’s hygiene.


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